Thursday, June 26, 2014

Two New Shinies

 Hey, SHA here. I recently got back into Pearl and started using the Pokeradar chain method. It worked! I got two shinies: Geodude and Stantler. I actually got them in less than two days. It was so aggrivating!!!!!! You would chain a houndoom to 39 and then run in to a frickin ponyta! But in the end it worked.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014


  Hey guys, SHA here. Just got a bunch of new shinies! I HATCHED ALL OF THEM!! Just kidding that would take an eternity. I used the easiest method: trading. Now before I tell what I gave up, I`ll say what I got. I recieved a Virizion, Swellow, Hoppip, Tranquill, and... A RAYQUAZA. Two legendaries... that`s pretty awesome. Now for what I gave up. Some of these might be a surprise because they are so "good".
I gave up a Jirachi, Celebi, Arceus, Manaphy, and Cresselia. The only reason I traded these is because I either have two copies or they are easy to get in trade. (I also stiffed the trader a  regular Rhydon for a vullaby egg). Check out the other methods for obtaining shinies on our blog.




Monday, June 9, 2014

Masuda Method Does It Again

SHA here, and using the Masuda Method, I got a shiny Bagon. I had a Japanese Salamence and a ditto I had caught previously. It took about 200 eggs and alot of patience, but I persevered and got it. I plan to keep up the Masuda Method, as it is the most  thing in black and white 2.